Quote to me the passage where I or risen1 condemned the women having abortions.
Bear no witness against us, you lack the authority.
remember abortion is a sin like all others, condem it, and you condem yourselves,
And what unbiblical error is this?
Show me where in Scripture says "do not condem sin, do not say an evil thing (not person!) is an evil thing (not person!)"
We are to
hate sin whenever and wherever we find it.
We are to
love our brothers (and sisters) as ourselves.
The two are not mutually exclusive, and both are commanded of us by God.
Be as wise as a Serpent about the nature of sin. Know what it is and what it is not lest you be taken unawares.
Be as gentle as a Dove when speaking to the sinner, for vengeance and judgment belong to the Lord.
What's the confusion?
if you want to pass judgment on this then
I don't *have* to pass judgement on this. God already gave His Word on the matter:
The Bible contains exactly one passage which deals explicitly with causing the death of an unborn child. It is in Exodus Chapter 21, the next chapter after the 10 commandments, and the chapter in which the penalties for murder are specified.
The verses that deal with causing the death of an unborn child are verses 22 through 25 which read as follows:
If men strive, and hurt a woman with child, so that her fruit depart from her, and yet no mischief (the pregnancy continues and the child is born normally) follow: he shall be surely punished, according as the woman's husband will lay upon him; and he shall pay as the judges determine. And if any mischief follow, then thou shalt give
life for life, eye for eye, tooth for tooth, hand for hand, foot for foot, burning for burning, wound for wound, stripe for stripe.
Exodus 21:22-25 (KJV)
The assumption by the narrow interpreters who don't take the time to learn anything about the languages in which God chose to write His Scripture is that if two men get into a fight and hit a woman with a child then this law follows, but otherwise it doesn't apply.
But the language of the text is far more general than that and would on a legal basis indicate that if
any member of mankind is in the process of doing
anything that causes harm to a woman with a child, then this law comes into play.
Paul taught that the Law was given to us so we would know what Sin was. Well...there's one example of a Sin - harming a woman with a child in any way = sin and if the child died the penalty was death, just like for any other murder.
cast yourself down as a prostitute, live the life, then, and only then will you see that even your strenght is a mile higher than the bottom and you cant ansaw for those,
Been there, done that. A prostitute is usually someone who feels they "have" to sell their bodies to survive. I didn't sell mine, I gave it away carelessly purely for the ungodly pleasures to be obtained. I suspect God sees our sins as equally bad, but for my part I'd say I was worse than most prostitutes because I didn't even have the illusion of necessity to trick me into my evil ways.
It took me almost a decade to get from that life to this one. I'm not always fast, but I got here, and as I don't see myself as particularly gifted or special, I am *certain* other women can get here too.
I want them to have more information and more help than I got along the way.
these people wont be judged,
Yes, they
definiately will, just not by me.
Absolutely. But not by you.
dont play games you dont understand the rules of.
This isn't a game.
Your desire to defend the women victimized into having abortions is admirable for they are surely a group that needs support - but your focus is wholly misplaced.
Defend them *before* they have the abortion when Satan is trying to steal their babies!
Fight for their RIGHT to accurate medical information about abortion.
Fight for their RIGHT to adequate health care should they keep the child.
Fight for their RIGHT to adoption options that actually help them.
Fight for ther RIGHT to support so they can be empowered to keep the baby.
Fight for their RIGHT to see themselves as too precious to sell or give their purity away.
Fight for their RIGHT to only be courted by men who don't put them in this position by intimidating them into sex in the first place.
Fight for their RIGHT to safe streets so they never face a rape pregnancy.
And if nothing else, fight for their RIGHT to know that Jesus loves them whether they are a princesses or prostitutes and that only
He can make them whole -- the only thing an
abortion makes is a hole - the absent W is very important.
By all means be a comforter of those already stricken if you are Called to it and able ... but the time for flashy heroics is long past if an inant lies dead in an unmarked laboratory grave because you were busy politely waiting until Satan was done with these women before you felt the need to speak up.
After they have the abortion, support them still. Love them. Help them heal.
But do not pretend that you aid them in any way by trying powerlessly to rewrite their action as something other than the sin that it was.
If you succeed...if you convince them that they did no wrong...then you will be as guilty of deceiving them as those who led them to kill their child in the first place.
Unrepentant sin damages one's fellowship with God. And it's often the main thing that keeps the unsaved from fully accepting Jesus and reaching Salvation.
Why would you want to put someone under that curse?
I don't think I'm the one who doesn't understand the rules.