Of course you have a theology...the word is Greek and means the study of God. The Bible is NOT just a text book. It is the inspired Word of God, given to ALL men. Let me also clarify that it is NOT Jesus that teaches us. John 14:26;
But the Advocate, the Holy Spirit, whom the Father will send in my name, will teach you all things and will remind you of everything I have said to you.
It is always alarming when people claim to have Jesus as their personal teacher. The only time that happened, was in the Gospels.
God forbid that I ever have any theology, a.k.a., “the knowledge of what is good and what is bad”: a dangerous cocktail of the Scriptures, man’s self-reliant knowledge and death as made known from the very beginning.
Under the terms and seal of the “new covenant”, the Scriptures themselves do not claim to make up together more than a reliable road map directly to God, to whom they yield final authority in all matters of faith, teaching and worship. Their composition and definition also varied over time. This is fully acknowledged by the Apostles.
[/I]Just exactly who did Jesus baptize with the Holy Spirit when he died on the cross? It seems to me English may not be your mother tongue so I give you the benefit of the doubt and ask you to explain this statement. Jesus did NOT say He was independant of man's testimony, He said He did not 'accept' it. Jesus was secure in who He was and in His own being, He did NOT need outward support or proof of who He was. John was appointed by God for a reason, to direct men to Jesus as the true Messiah. Jesus didn't need John's testimony to believe and know who He was Himself.
Differences in competence in language are manageable. A much more serious and increasing difference to worry about is the one between haves and have-nots of the given “knowledge about the secrets of the Kingdom of heaven”, a.k.a., the knowledge of Jesus Christ, for which the promised baptism with the Holy Spirit for all, with a specific maturity date, is mandatory although abandoned by Christianity today which itself is being abandoned. (Matt. 13: 11-12; John 3: 1-16)
Otherwise, Nicodemus et al. took Jesus at his word to be the first to be officially baptized and transformed (Ibid, 19: 25-42). The time has not expired.
[/I]Again, 'altruistic' connotes limited dimension when applied to Jesus. He is God and is ALL things. More than altruistic, which is a single limited concept. Jesus is the WAY, the TRUTH and the LIFE. John 14:6. Jesus said he speaks in parables. NOT the same as figures of speech. Matthew 13:10-11 & 35.
You will notice however that In John, there are no parables. So even though Jesus said He spoke in 'veiled' language, John did not record any. They are all recorded in the 'synoptic' gospels.
I don't know what Ibid 16:5-15 is so I have no idea what this "
groundbreaking for a new order of worship!" you speak about is.
Yes of course Jesus did not merely claim. He spoke the truth. I really don't understand what you mean by self revelation? [/INDENT][/COLOR]