I see your starting to change your tune a bit? The faith that God gives to believe is exactly what I have been saying the whole time.
Nobody said that Faith won't come but whats the point if the reason for the faith to be given(believing) is unable to achieve it's intended purpose?
For faith must be given to actually believe the truth of your salvation, you must hear what was done to procure your salvation, so both at similar times.
His blood shed on the cross procured your salvation, you can only believe that from the heart if God gives you that faith necessary to believe the truth
of your salvation.
This is how His order of resurrection takes place. Not up to you, and I do not blame you for wanting it to be you now but until He elects you, NO SPIRIT thus
none of His? You have already admitted to this so why are we having this conversation? Your turn will come in His good timing.
And you also did not understand post #30? It doesn't get any easier than that to see the whole picture. But if blinded, you won't see or understand a thing.
I am aware of the sites many errors and this is one of them for most are of the prescient view which if followed out can be proven wrong. As it puts
man in control of his own destiny, but that is not the will of God, for that would allow man to be telling God what he does and doesn't want.
But since His thoughts are much greater to/for us than we can imagine He won't allow us to make those forever choices. They are already made by Him
We love Him for He first loved us. When you truly experience the new birth in the spirit you will understand.
It can be likened to a trip from LA to NYC. You begin and make a stop in Vegas, then Denver, then down to Amarillo, maybe New Orleans, possibly on to Atlanta,
then back to Louisville, then finally arrive at NYC. Didn't really matter that you made all those stops for you have arrived at the destination He intended for you
to arrive at in the end.
You started in disobedience according to His will and you will be made alive in Christ for Christs sake according to His will.
In light of you believing Jesus is God (Trinity issues) why then do you not believe it when He says:
John 15:16 YOU DID NOT CHOOSE ME, BUT I CHOSE YOU.........................
John 15:19 .............Yet because you are not of the world, BUT I CHOSE YOU OUT OF THE WORLD, therefore the world hates you.
I don't think your gonna be able to stand in front of the throne and tell Him you chose Him so that He would choose you in light of the above scripture?
By extension every disciple is chosen out of the world by God. The pardon has come, and so has the kingdom unto you.
Sam, If you will try to understand what I'm about to show you, then you will at least understand why we disagree with you.
Christ said that "many are called, but few are chosen." So how are they called in order for them to be chosen?
Romans 1:16
"For I am not ashamed of the gospel of Christ: for it is the power of God unto salvation to every one that believeth; to the Jew first, and also to the Greek."
The "Gospel of Christ" is the power of God unto salvation. This Gospel must be heard in order for God to save anyone. As I told you before, "faith comes by hearing." It is the Gospel of Christ that we must hear in order to be saved.
The hearing of the Gospel of Christ is the "call." Remember, "many are called" this is the calling.
The "few that are chosen" are the ones who responded in a positive manner to the call, they are given the faith needed to believe that Gospel call.
The ones who reject that call, responding in a negative manner, cannot receive the faith needed to believe that Gospel call.
When Christ said "You have not chosen me, but I have chosen you," He was referring to them not being able to choose Him (total depravity) until they heard the Gospel and made the correct response, which allowed them to be given the faith they needed for Christ to choose/accept them for salvation.
All of this took place by the power of God through the hearing of the Gospel of Christ.