101 USES FOR A DEAD (or live) BABY
by Olga Fairfax, Ph.D
. When I saw the first ad on TV advertising collagen-enriched
cosmetics I was speechless. We'll be apologizing to Hitler, I
thought; at least he didn't kill for money!
. Collagen is the gelatinous substance found in connective tissue,
bone and cartilage. Nick Thimmesch's syndicated column, "Our Grisly
Human Fetal Industry" documents that amniotic fluid and collagen can
come from fetal material, since the Food and Drug Administration does
not require pretesting or the identification of cosmetic ingredients.
. A glance through a local drug store revealed that the leading 12
shampoos and five hand creams all contained collagen.
. Check your beauty products and you may be shocked! Unless your
beauty product specifies animal collagen or bovine collagen, the
product probably contains human collagen. The drug company should be
challenged at once. Even collagen taken from a human placenta raises
questions about respect of life and ownership of the placenta.
. A letter from Mary Kay Cosmetics emphasizes that their collagen
all comes from animals. A similar letter from Hask has also been
. Since there are 1.5 million abortions every year, there is an
abundant source of fetuses for commercial use.
. There's triple profit to be had. The first is from the abortion
(estimated at a half billion dollars a year by Fortune magazine). The
second profit comes from the sale of aborted babies' bodies. The
third profit is from unsuspecting customers buying cosmetics.
. Babies' bodies are sold by the bag, $25 a batch or up to $5500 a
pound. The sale of later-term elective abortions at D.C. General
Hospital brought $68,000 between 1966 and 1976. The money was used to
buy a TV set and cookies and soft drinks for visiting professors.
Personally, I hope that they choked on the Kool-Aid!
. Call your local abortuary and hospital and ask them some pointed
questions about the disposal and possible sale of fetuses. Would an
abortionist who kills a baby think twice about selling its body? One
prenatal killer said, "A baby is becoming property. We kill, keep or
sell the property."
. In the Pittsburgh Women's Health Service there's a sign in the
lab areas asking doctors not to carry dead fetuses without wrapping
them since it disturbs the patients.
Treated like trash
. What have abortuaries done with fetuses in the past before they
realized that they could make another profit out of them?
. Well, "Richmond's shame" marked a new low in disposal of wastes.
An abortion center there filled a long bin on the rear of its property
with the remains of its day's nefarious doings. Its trash compactor
neatly mashed 100 babies' bodies which were then tied up in plastic
bags and thrown on top of the bin.
. "The hungry dogs came along and dragged the bags away. There
were frequent fights and the contents of the bags would be strewn up
and down the streets until the dogs separated the gauze, sponges and
pads and devoured the placenta, bones and flesh of the babies." said a
. She went to the police, health department and city hall and felt
that she got nowhere: but the bags, of warm human babies' mutilated
parts disappeared from the streets even though the clinic increased
its abortions from 25 to 150 a week. They've since moved to larger
. The Jacksonville, Florida, Womens' Center for Reproductive
Health, which is run and owned by the Clergy Consultation Service,
advertises "celebrating a decade of service."
Nothing to Celebrate
. What they don't advertise is that they leave aborted babies out
for the trash pickup. Rev. Marvin Lutz, the director explained that
the practice of leaving the remains out was perfectly legal and
approved by the "good housekeeping" Judases, the National Abortion
Federation and the Florida Abortion Council.
. Dr. Jeronimo Dominguez of New York wrote that "on any Monday you
can see about 30 garbage bags with fetal material in them along the
sidewalks of several abortion clinics in New York."
. In Odessa, Texas, city ordinance 69-91 forbids placing a dead
animal in a dumpster. But that didn't stop one abortionist from
depositing large brown plastic bags full of sock like gauze bags into
the city dumpster prior to closing every night.
. A Baptist minister opened the bags and to his horror found a
little "perfectly formed hands and feet of a 13-week old baby and the
complete body, in pieces, of a 17-week old baby. Everything except
one foot was there: the rib cage, sexual organs, head, finger nails
and toe nails."
. He nearly died of shock. I nearly did too, reading about it.
They Burn Babies, Don't They?
. Babies used to be burned on the altar to Baal; now they're burned
in furnaces at the sites of their deaths.
. In Cincinnati, a prenatal killer allowed dense smoke to emanate
from his chimney. When firemen were called they were told, "They're
burning babies," as if that was routine.
. One wonders how life saving firemen could continue their
dedication amid such a contradiction!
. One pro-lifer overheard her children (ages five and seven)
discussing the infamous picture of the babies in the trash can the
first time they saw it.
. "It's dolls, It has to be dolls," said the kindergartner. "No,"
said his pre-school sister, "it's babies." The older child couldn't
believe it. "It has to be dolls," he insisted. "Why would anyone
throw away babies?"
. When their mother explained to them that it was babies, both
children grew very quiet. Silently they studied the picture and then
recalled the times they had gone on trips to the city dump with the
family. "Will the rats eat the babies when they take them to the
dump?" the boy asked.
The New Laboratory Rat
. Some researchers insist that the reason they must do research on
human fetuses is because they are human, not animal.
. In a it-shouldn't-happen to a dog story, 47 senators voted in
1974 to protect dogs from experimentation with poisonous gas but then
voted down Senator Jess Helm's amendment to prevent federal funds from
being used for abortion. One liberal, pro-abortion Senator gave an
emotion laden speech to protect dogs. Man's best friend came out
better than man himself!
. Who is pressing for the "right" to experiment? No one less than
the nation Institutes of Health. A stacked national commission gave
them the "right" and this experimentation is funded by you, the
. There is another sequel to the erosion of the value of human
life. Abortion, fetal experimentation, infanticide and euthanasia are
four walls of the same coffin.
. Even Planned Parenthood's anti-life lawyer Harriet Pilpel was
shocked. "What mother (sic) would consent to an experiment on her
fetus?" she asked.