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Is purgatory a myth and where did it come from?


I do not want to encourage belief in this. I do not support it. But if you googled it you would find they actually have taken many suggestive scriptures.

My only two cents on this topic is that there are worse constructs of scripture. The first guy here compared a belief in Purgatory to satanism.

Purgatory may be false but it is a completely harmless belief. Unless of course you have incidents like the one Admon spoke of. :confused:
Don't you think that if purgatory was real the bible would have been a bit more clear about it? I mean if you were to go there, don't you think you would want to know at least how it works?

I do not want to encourage belief in this. I do not support it. But if you googled it you would find they actually have taken many suggestive scriptures.

My only two cents on this topic is that there are worse constructs of scripture. The first guy here compared a belief in Purgatory to satanism.

Purgatory may be false but it is a completely harmless belief. Unless of course you have incidents like the one Admon spoke of. :confused:

Its only harmless to those who do desite to the fullness of Christ's Grace . . denying the Lord that bought them.All other I heard it through the grape vine oral tradition of men as a law of the fathers are not judgeable . Some do need the gospel light

2 Peter 2:1 But there were false prophets also among the people, even as there shall be false teachers among you, who privily shall bring in damnable heresies, even denying the Lord that bought them, and bring upon themselves swift destruction

They teach that only a quen of heaven enty received the fulness of Christ grace all others receive a unknown remnant and must contunue to wonder enven after talking thier last breath .

I do not want to encourage belief in this. I do not support it. But if you googled it you would find they actually have taken many suggestive scriptures.

My only two cents on this topic is that there are worse constructs of scripture. The first guy here compared a belief in Purgatory to satanism.

Purgatory may be false but it is a completely harmless belief. Unless of course you have incidents like the one Admon spoke of. :confused:
My friend, you seem to be getting upset over this topic....Purgatory does not exist, It IS a Satanic construct, and only one, maybe two people think its real...The rest of us are saying why it does not exist....So who is encouraging this teaching of a purgatory? Surely not us. It IS a false doctrine, as is Mariology and aricular confession, and indulgences, and worship of statues, praying to saints and on and on ad nauseum.
I will also say that a verse that is 'suggestive' of a thing is a verse that is twisted and hammered into a mold to fit an illigitimate paradigm.
Its only harmless to those who do desite to the fullness of Christ's Grace . . denying the Lord that bought them.All other I heard it through the grape vine oral tradition of men as a law of the fathers are not judgeable . Some do need the gospel light

2 Peter 2:1 But there were false prophets also among the people, even as there shall be false teachers among you, who privily shall bring in damnable heresies, even denying the Lord that bought them, and bring upon themselves swift destruction

They teach that only a quen of heaven enty received the fulness of Christ grace all others receive a unknown remnant and must contunue to wonder enven after talking thier last breath .

You teach that God will execute capital punishment on all who reject Him with annihilationism and that He picks three (satan, beast and false prophet) to endure excruciating pain in fire for all eternity. IE No free will = evil, torture = height of wickedness.....and yet you stand firm in condemning as satanic those who simply believe in some ''extra time''. Seriously?
My friend, you seem to be getting upset over this topic....Purgatory does not exist, It IS a Satanic construct, and only one, maybe two people think its real...The rest of us are saying why it does not exist....So who is encouraging this teaching of a purgatory? Surely not us. It IS a false doctrine, as is Mariology and aricular confession, and indulgences, and worship of statues, praying to saints and on and on ad nauseum.
I will also say that a verse that is 'suggestive' of a thing is a verse that is twisted and hammered into a mold to fit an illigitimate paradigm.
That post is nowhere close to upset and I am not supporting the belief. I feel you skim.

Now you call a belief of 'extra time' satanic too. Please explain why.

As for the rest of your post, this is the problem with many. You group matters and do not properly discern each on their own. Perhaps start a new thread and list your grievances in point form?
That post is nowhere close to upset and I am not supporting the belief. I feel you skim.

Now you call a belief of 'extra time' satanic too. Please explain why.

As for the rest of your post, this is the problem with many. You group matters and do not properly discern each on their own. Perhaps start a new thread and list your grievances in point form?
I said the doctrine of purgatory is a satanic construct...and it is...I did not attack anybody. The original question was "Is Purgatory a Myth and Where did it come from?" I simply answered it truthfully..Do you prefer I lie, and say its true and from God? I don't understand where you're coming from on this. Oh! Do you really think that I condemn the people who believe that purgatory is real? Not so!
I said the doctrine of purgatory is a satanic construct...and it is...I did not attack anybody. The original question was "Is Purgatory a Myth and Where did it come from?" I simply answered it truthfully..Do you prefer I lie, and say its true and from God? I don't understand where you're coming from on this. Oh! Do you really think that I condemn the people who believe that purgatory is real? Not so!

Calling someones belief ''satanic'' is harsh. I feel you and others are completely out of line to make this statement. Especially with little to no reasoning for it.
Calling someones belief ''satanic'' is harsh. I feel you and others are completely out of line to make this statement. Especially with little to no reasoning for it.
I did not attack anybodys belief....I answered a question on a DOCTRINE....And it is not groundless...It is NOT in the bible...The bible does not even suggest it. Chill my friend
Calling someones belief ''satanic'' is harsh. I feel you and others are completely out of line to make this statement. Especially with little to no reasoning for it.
Sir I understand that you are/were a Romanist...So was I...I had to hold everything I had learned in that religion, up against the bible. And so many of the teachings of romanism failed to stand up to Word...Purgatory is one of them...It utterly fails...It is not even suggested in the bible...BUT....I do not put down anybody's beliefs...Not now not ever......If you want to believe that purgatory is real...go for it...Its your right... But I am not without grounds for saying this doctrine is a satanic construct either... the Word says "To be absent from the body is to be present with the Lord" No stops along the way.... Conversly...If one is going to hell, there are also no stops along the way. So...believe it or not...and I do get the impression that you feel purgator may just be real....That's ok by me.
Heb 9:27; And just as it is destined for people to die once, and after this comes judgment,

Once you die, the next thing that happens is judgment. There is no second chance after you are dead.
Sir I understand that you are/were a Romanist...So was I...I had to hold everything I had learned in that religion, up against the bible. And so many of the teachings of romanism failed to stand up to Word...Purgatory is one of them...It utterly fails...It is not even suggested in the bible...BUT....I do not put down anybody's beliefs...Not now not ever......If you want to believe that purgatory is real...go for it...Its your right... But I am not without grounds for saying this doctrine is a satanic construct either... the Word says "To be absent from the body is to be present with the Lord" No stops along the way.... Conversly...If one is going to hell, there are also no stops along the way. So...believe it or not...and I do get the impression that you feel purgator may just be real....That's ok by me.

Shouldn't we be taking a stand For Biblical truths? And purgatory is not one of them. There Is a verse in one of the non-Canonical books which suggests it's existence but it goes Against other doctrines in God's Word.
Shouldn't we be taking a stand For Biblical truths? And purgatory is not one of them. There Is a verse in one of the non-Canonical books which suggests it's existence but it goes Against other doctrines in God's Word.
Absitively and posiloutly!
I did not attack anybodys belief....I answered a question on a DOCTRINE....And it is not groundless...It is NOT in the bible...The bible does not even suggest it. Chill my friend
Calvinism, Annihilaitonism, Eternal torture in hell these are satanic doctrines as they paint God as wicked.

A belief of ''extra time'' is nowhere close to satanic.

If you disagree, please list the reasons that make you oppose this doctrine so. Don't merely quote Heb 9:27 or change the topic and speak about further issues you have with the RCC.
Don't merely quote Heb 9:27

You have been quoted dozens of scriptures about eternal torment. But you don't accept any of them, you simply say they make God wicked. Maybe your idea of what wicked is, is wrong. I'm not sure posting any more scripture will change your mind.

Luke 16:26; And besides all this, between us and you a great chasm has been set, so that those who want to go over from here to you will not be able, nor will any people cross over from there to us.’
Luke 16:27; And he said, ‘Then I request of you, father, that you send him to my father’s house—
Luke 16:28; for I have five brothers—in order that he may warn them, so that they will not come to this place of torment as well.’
Luke 16:29; But Abraham *said, ‘They have Moses and the Prophets; let them hear them.’
Luke 16:30; But he said, ‘No, father Abraham, but if someone goes to them from the dead, they will repent!’
Luke 16:31; But he said to him, ‘If they do not listen to Moses and the Prophets, they will not be persuaded even if someone rises from the dead.’”

Yes, Lazarus and the rich man again. The rich man is in hell of course (being tormented) but he asks Abraham to send Lazarus back and tell his 5 brothers. (so that they wont come to this place of torment)
But Abraham says they've already heard God's word, they've already heard the prophets. In other words, they've already had their chance. Once they are here, it's too late. You don't get a second chance.

God could give people hundreds of chances, but some people will never accept Him. In fact God DOES give people chance after chance, opportunity after opportunity.
We have our entire lives to come to God. If the average age of people is somewhere between 70 and 80, that's a lot of years and a lot of chances.
But some people refuse to hear, some people refuse to accept Jesus. In fact there is a very real danger, that even here on Earth, after rejecting God over and over again, God says fine.
I'll give you over to the sinful life you want.

Rom 1:23; and they exchanged the glory of the incorruptible God for an image in the form of corruptible mankind, of birds, four-footed animals, and crawling creatures.
Rom 1:24; Therefore God gave them up to vile impurity in the lusts of their hearts, so that their bodies would be dishonored among them.
Rom 1:25; For they exchanged the truth of God for falsehood, and worshiped and served the creature rather than the Creator, who is blessed forever. Amen.
Rom 1:26; For this reason God gave them over to degrading passions; for their women exchanged natural relations for that which is contrary to nature,
Rom 1:27; and likewise the men, too, abandoned natural relations with women and burned in their desire toward one another, males with males committing shameful acts and receiving in their own persons the due penalty of their error.
Rom 1:28; And just as they did not see fit to acknowledge God, God gave them up to a depraved mind, to do those things that are not proper,
Rom 1:29; people having been filled with all unrighteousness, wickedness, greed, and evil; full of envy, murder, strife, deceit, and malice; they are gossips,

But instead of accepting that people have to accept God and repent, you will find a way to say this paints God in an evil light. It isn't God who is being wicked here.

If God let all the wicked unrepentant people into heaven, then heaven would become wicked. Then God truly would be wicked.
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@ KingJ -- seems that the RCC has issues with God's Word. Purgatory became a teaching in the RCC in the late 11th century as well the teachings of indulgences associated with supposedly being able to pay for people in purgatory to be able to leave that area at some point as well as praying for them while there.
@ KingJ -- seems that the RCC has issues with God's Word. Purgatory became a teaching in the RCC in the late 11th century as well the teachings of indulgences associated with supposedly being able to pay for people in purgatory to be able to leave that area at some point as well as praying for them while there.

It appears that the Pope at the time was a "Party Animal" who bankrupted the Vatican treasury with his excesses, and high living. SO the "church" had to find some way to restore their finances, and "Indulgences" turned out to be an excellent way to extort money from their victims. HEY!! who wouldn't want to spare aunt Agatha from the PAIN of having her sins burnt out, when a few dollars in the till would get 'er done!!!! Tetzel was apparently a MASTER at the game.
You have been quoted dozens of scriptures about eternal torment. But you don't accept any of them, you simply say they make God wicked. Maybe your idea of what wicked is, is wrong. I'm not sure posting any more scripture will change your mind.
BAC you have not read my post, you like Admon are skimming my posts. I do appreciate the effort you put in to a reply.

But let me be clear. I do not believe in Purgatory. I do not want to post the scriptures Catholics use to construct the belief. I agree with your view and all the scriptures you quote opposing Purgatory.

My point to Admon is for him to bring his defense, his reasons for calling what is a harmless belief, a satanic doctrine.
@ KingJ -- seems that the RCC has issues with God's Word. Purgatory became a teaching in the RCC in the late 11th century as well the teachings of indulgences associated with supposedly being able to pay for people in purgatory to be able to leave that area at some point as well as praying for them while there.
There is a lot to research on indulgences.

We need to create a thread and tackle one matter at a time.

The Catholic church has been around for a long time. It is easy to find faults and make blanket accusations. It does not show intelligence, it shows laziness and pride.
BAC you have not read my post, you like Admon are skimming my posts. I do appreciate the effort you put in to a reply.

You are correct, I have not read this entire thread. I accept that rebuke. My apologies.

But I didn't get it totally wrong, you asked for other scriptures besides Heb 9:27; to invalidate purgatory and I did give you two passages for this.
There is a lot to research on indulgences.

We need to create a thread and tackle one matter at a time.

The Catholic church has been around for a long time. It is easy to find faults and make blanket accusations. It does not show intelligence, it shows laziness and pride.

So Now -- those who Don't agree with the RCC are Really showing laziness and pride as well as a lack of intelligence. Thanks for the warning.