Hello Brother,
I agree with you is that it is prophetic, even though I don't know if Cyrus was in existence yet when this was written. I haven't researched that. I do also see Isaiah 45:7, as God explaining who He is to those who do not know Him, along with many of the other verses included in this Chapter.
We can extract much significance from Scripture outside its obvious application. In this case we also see that He, God, like He did in Job is showing those who do not know Him, who He Is, by the way of what He has done. There are great similarities between Job and what is written in Isaiah Chapter 45. So, I would not limit them to an singular reasoning. To do so would take away great knowledge from the reader.
As to the rest of what you have written in this post. It has more to do with the "free will" aspect that I briefly mentioned to Brother Bendito and "God's will". Disregarding either one, can color how one comes to view as my wife likes to say "Yes, No, Not Now" as it pertains to placing requests to God. What we may see as needing healing, is something that God sees as necessary and ultimately beneficial. Regardless of the answer should we not then Glorify Him that it is to our good that He is doing so?
I tell people not to be so caught up in the temporal which is hard to do, because the ready reply is "You're not going through it, so it's easy for you to say.". My Hope is in the Lord, and the promises written in Scripture. However, I don't isolate them or put them separate from the will of God for me in this life. So, if I'm not healed, I could easily beat myself up that it must be for my lack, for what other reason could there be? Or, I can submit myself to the will of God, so that whatever, condition I find myself to be in, that the ensuing results are to the Glory of God! Sometimes Christians can be the saddest sick people I know. That is why I truly try to lift up their sagging spirits. We have so much to look forward to, because ultimately we're all going to die. Let us die joyfully! For our Lord has conquered death, and there is much to do before our work is done.
I hope this clarifies a little of what I have posted and have seen in your words.
With the Love of Christ Jesus Brother.
This was my second sentence: "The subject of verses 1-10 was a prophecy for Cyrus, who wasn't yet born, outlining an event two centuries to come."
Your response was "I agree with you is that it is prophetic, even though I don't know if Cyrus was in existence yet when this was written. I haven't researched that. I do also see Isaiah 45:7, as God explaining who He is to those who do not know Him, along with many of the other verses included in this Chapter."
There's enough disconnect in that to lay a root of error for the rest of it. In the 10th verse God specifically called out the name of the king who would be born in time to stop the 70 year captivity of the Jews at Babylon, in his first year of reign. Jeremiah and Ezra speak of it too. The whole prophecy was about that king, and had nothing to do with Satan or sin. It had to do with anointing a man before he was born. God then moves on to talk to Israel at verse 11, the nation that would benefit by the help of Cyrus who made their return to homeland possible. The point God made was that He had power to do it like He had power to create. Satan had no part in it other than try to encourage armies against Cyrus. They met much "evil", a better word being an opposite of peace. since the contrast was between making peace among nations and grieveous war and oppression.
Isaiah 45:7 (KJV)
7 I form the light, and create darkness: I
make peace, and create evil: I the LORD do all these
As for taking a personal prophecy and claiming it for us, that leads to errors like claiming God will give me the vast fortune and wisdom He promised to Solomon. In fact, that was only promised to King Solomon.
So now where to go with it all? I know that if I submit to God, resist the Devil, he will flee from me, and does. Paul knew and experienced that power, and I know and have many times experienced that power. It requires increasing in knowledge and diligence, living by faith, and Holy Ghost courage. So how then could God be true to His word, yet let Satan put an incurable disease on any child of God who
Submits to God Resits the Devil and is promised the Devil will Flee?
I am a born again man who has been given great authority over Satan, but that is powerless unless I use it. I got it from Jesus in Mark 16:16-18, the way the apostles got that authority. As a forester I've had poisonous snakes on me, up my pants leg, under my foot like on a rolling pin, and never took a scratch, though clothes stinking from venom stains. I've eaten poisonous mushrooms when trying mistakenly recommended varieties in the field in preparation for interpretive field tours. without harm, though sometimes discomfort. Casting demons out of people is a joy. I speak, pray, and sing in tongues as the Holy Spirit leads me, and lay hands on the sick, and they recover, though I will not agree to pray for a partial healing or leave a matter up to a "be it according to thy will" disclaimer or any "unspoken request" unbelief.
A Christian can give in to Satan, sure. We can give in to depression and sickness, giving up on all hope. I will never accept a "gift" from Satan to be taken as a way to glorify God. I don't recommend making a habit of it. It's like a soldier quick to surrender even when winning the battle. While I have many benefits from the Lord, it's also obvious persecutions over the name of Jesus arise and can be painful. Though Satan can influence people to persecute, he can't get directly involved against me. Our church put up with a messenger from hell who several times "fell" on the property and sued, running our liability insurance premiums high. He ended up in drug rehab then assigned to a recovery ministry where I taught Bible. He apologized to the class, blaming his addiction and the need for lots of money. We forgave him, but had to report his insurance fraud. Recently I was kicked in the shin by a woman protesting our march for Life event. It really hurt, benched me, but I got over it same day. If persecution leads to death, so be it as Jesus warned. None of that power is peculiar to me or any other Christian who will live by faith. Jesus gave us that right.
When I ask people if I can pray for them, most are not accustomed to how I do that. A few have stopped me, even though in severe distress, with "Brother, I just don't believe that way, so just ask God that his will be done, please." I stop praying and explain God's will, then leave if they won't believe it. If they believe I'll pray till a nurse needs me gone. So I go to the waiting room and minister in the ears of many there. People get born again, and renew their hopes, and learn how to pray effectively. That's how I've met many preachers and made fine friendships of Christians.
Any Christian can succeed if only plunging in. You are in a position of trust and respect to teach truth, avoiding men's doctrines.