I’m not even sure what that means. If you’re claiming that I believe that we are saved by our own works….you are mistaken. You’d just be pointing a finger and repeating that same old Calvinist mantra….
It’s not our “works” that I’m talking about. it’s called meeting CONDITIONS. What I know (not just believe) is, that God gives no gift nor does He make ANY promise without conditions attached. Go ahead try and use scripture to disprove that. Someone could offer you a “free gift”…..all you have to do is “show up,” “answer the door,” “reach out and take it,” actually “RECEIVE it,” or “make room for it in your life”, etc, before it’s actually yours. All of these are CONDITIONS that must be met before the gift is yours. The Bible is absolutely full of God’s promises AND the conditions that are required for His people to experience them. Also, it must be noted that gifts, even free ones, can be rejected or even tossed away over time. This is why Paul, James, Peter, Luke, and other NT authors, and Jesus Himself all give us so many warnings about not straying from the path of righteousness, about being/living holy, about bearing spiritual fruit, about bad branches and them being removed and cast into fire, about sacrificing (taking up our cross) daily, about narrow gates and narrow paths…..
Why oh why can’t believers see this?! It breaks my heart that people believe that they can be saved once, fall back into a life of sin, and still have a clean ticket to heaven.
Salvation is an ongoing work of God’s Holy Spirit. Staying saved…keeping that free gift in our heart, has conditions that must be met. Jesus didn’t bear our sins on the tree so that we could go back to a life of sin. God don’t save us to become unrepentant backsliders. He expects us to meet the CONDITIONS of Kingdom inheritance. It’s all there in God’s Word.